
We care about our planet. For this reason, Mushroom House aims to be operating sustainably and ethically at every level the best we can as we grow.


Everything we do at Mushroom House is sourced locally the best we can, supporting New Zealand farmers and producers. We are committed to having the smallest carbon footprint possible while remaining 100% hand-crafted in New Zealand. We cultivate our oyster mushrooms through low-impact, organically aware methods.

A Rebalanced Food Future

In addition to being a superfood, mushrooms can help cleanse damaged environments by processing waste and making the soil sustainable again. Plant-based foods and mindful local producers can help us to right some climate wrongs. Through mycoremediation, mushrooms are a renewable resource that can turn wood and agricultural waste into fertile soil and even break down herbicides.

Mushrooms can also be made into furniture, packaging, housing insulation, or even leather!